Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Meet the Bookworms

• Mar. 22, 2006 - Meet the Bookworms

First, the boys:
The Bookworm King: He's written a couple of books, published one or two, and is always writing on his own blogs. He's currently writing as a second career - in real life, he's the Director of Technology in a small advertising firm. He has a love-hate relationship with his real job because it keeps him from reading and writing as much as he'd like. His favorite subjects are Linux programming, Intelligent Design, and Bible study.

Bookworm #1, Danny: #1 is the official first bookworm. His first stories were read from the Complete Adventures of Winnie-the-Pooh while he was very ill in the NICU after his birth. We read many, many stories at home and had many sunny, beautiful days together. His last stories were read five and a half years later in PICU, and they included Chicka Chicka Boom Boom and others from the 20th Century Children's Book Treasury. Now, he's living with Jesus after his long battle with COX-2 deficiency, and we miss him greatly, but we wouldn't wish him back into his sick little body for anything.

Bookworm #2 is three - almost four, as he'd tell you. He's very busy and only slows down for stories just before bed, but he is very specific about not repeating things too often. His first story was Sandra Boyton's Pajama Time. We hear him retelling stories in his play during the day - he has quite the imagination. He loves to be outside, and weeks like this one (too cold and too wet) make him miserable. But the sun'll come out tomorrow (or so says the weatherman).

Bookworm #3 is a newborn - his taste in literature has yet to be discovered, and his love for books hasn't started to grow yet. His first book was Sandra Boyton's Snuggle Puppy because he is our little snuggle puppy. When we told #2 that he was going to have a little brother, he said, "No, thank you. I want a puppy." And #3's nickname was chosen. He is a delight, and he does love to snuggle. We are excited about getting to know him better each day. He is the baby we were promised shortly after giving #1 back to Jesus - our restoration baby. And he does look just like #1 did as a baby.

and then there's me, ThoughtfulMom, the queen of the my precious Bookworms. What would you like to know? I love to read. I would really love to write, but that isn't my job at the moment. I'm the mom - charged with most of the teaching and training of these little bookworms, and also the cooking, the cleaning, and all that other mom-stuff. I love my job, though. I can't think of a better one, and I consider myself very blessed to be able to stay home with my children.

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