Monday, August 6, 2007

On the Dinner Table...

Since a big part of successful dinner preparation is having a plan....

Sunday: Charlie's Chicken after church. No cooking. :)
Monday: Greek chicken, Zucchini and Yellow Squash, Brown Rice, Grapes
Tuesday: Chicken Parmesan with Whole Wheat Spaghetti, Garlicky Spinach, other fruits and veggies that need eating
Wednesday: Tacos with Ground Beef, Cheese, Veggies and Whole Wheat Tortillas, fruit (Produce Shopping Day)
Thursday: Honey Dijon Chicken, broccoli, fruit, Pasta
Friday: Macaroni and cheese, smoked sausage, green beans, fruit
Saturday: Leftovers

Of course, there are variations on the above to accommodate the kids, but this is what my sweet hubby and I will be eating.

Maybe now that the baby fell asleep on me while I was typing the other two ornery bookworms will give me enough time to finish putting together the salad I was making for lunch and EAT it. I'm starving. I've been trying to get the salad eaten for over two hours. But I withstood the call of their lunch plates, gosh darn it.


Katie said...

I still can't get it together to consistently menu plan. Things run very smoothly when I do, but somehow I can't keep it up. Sigh...

Valerie said...

Um, yes, I would like to submit an order for one copy of ALL-of-the-Queen-Backyard-Bookworm's-most-delightful-recipes-many-of-which-she-received-from-her-mother-the-other-wonderful-cook, please. Pretty please. Haha. Well, but I am only half joking. I did enjoy quite a few meals over at the childhood home of the Queen Backyard Bookworm, after all, and one can never forget the wonderful meals eaten there. ;)

Anonymous said...

that chicken sounds divine. What a great looking meal plan.

Unknown said...

I would love the recipe for the Greek Chicken!