Sunday, July 27, 2008

My little connoisseur

It's been really hot in Oklahoma. And for the past three weeks, dry. And dusty. And that makes a car wash necessary. And a new Tunnel Wash opened just down the street from our neighborhood. And it happens to be owned by a friend's kid, and that's just kind of nifty.

We love a good car wash.

You see, we have a car wash connoisseur in our household. #2 loves a good car wash. He analyzes each system inside as to what it does and why and how. He is amazed by any machine with moving parts - and there are all kinds of moving parts in that car wash.

The week that it opened, it was free, and we went nearly every day. I typically say, "We'll go through a car wash on payday." And that is our tradition. Even if it is raining. Because we promised. It's quite funny to everyone else. But since I had no logical reason to say "No," we went.

We went in different combinations. The first day we went twice - once it was just #2 and I, and then later we went back to show Gramma, #3, and #4. The second day, it was me, #2 and #3. The third day it was the King, and #2. On day four, Mimi took #2 and #3 in her car, and my van got a rest from the action. On day five, sadly, it was no longer free. But since I had already promised it as a reward for good behavior, I paid $4 to wash my already-very-clean-van.

But it was good clean fun, my friends. And we were all smiling as we rolled out of the tunnel.

So now you all know just how strange we are.

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