When naptime rolled around, we had all had a bit of practice controlling both paintbrush and markers. #2 even did one posted on which he abandoned his usual monochromatic tendencies. He was rather proud of his apron and its pockets - he kept stuffing them full of paintbrushes.
#3 was very busy with the paint, the markers, and the crayons. He's the little artist in the house:
And #4 was happy to eat cheerios, play with toys and explore while we worked:
Today marked our third year without #1. The Bookworm King took the day off from work. We were mostly lazy with a side of housework. I went to Target for eggs and bread and discovered an amazing price on Similac and bought the rest of what #4 is going to need (about six week's worth.) After naptime, we went off to #1's "Remembering Spot" - Gram had put out some new flowers and Mimi had written a poem on a balloon. We left another balloon and prayed and talked a bit, but it was really cold, so we didn't stay long. We did some more errands on the way to dinner, including at stop at our favorite bread store for a loaf of challah, which will become French toast in the morning.
But right now, I've got to go fold the laundry - all six loads. Darn virus. It had better go away quick!
Hope #3 is feeling better soon without everyone else getting sick... =/
What is it about paint? My kids still love it! =D
Hugs~ I love how you remember #1.
And your others. Adorable. Hope everyone is feeling better!
Tammy and Parker
Where did you get that Thomas riding toy? I am a member of the Homeschool Lounge and found you/your blog. . . .
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