Monday, February 18, 2008

Because I'm highly amused....

I have to tell you that #2 is using my digital camera to take pictures of whatever his little heart desires. This is a treat for doing his school work well today. It's not common for him to get such a surprise as a reward for doing his work well and promptly and accurately - not that he doesn't do such thing - the reward is what is uncommon - so he is enjoying himself immensely, and saying such things as:

"#3, smile at me!"

"See my blocks!

"#3, you are so cute! Reading a book!"

"Mom, that's a great smile!"

"Copper and Little Bear, look here!"
"There they are all cute"

"Oh, look! The Sun! It's very bright outside!"

"The Lightbulb! Oh, I L.O.V.E. lightbulbs!"


Katie said...

My boys love to use the camera too! Even Macy sometimes sets up scenes and asks me to take a picture of it!

Peculiar Blogs said...

great pics! He is on his way to a career in photography. :-)

Amelia Antwiler said...

I'm pretty fond of lightbulbs, too.

Dawn ;) said...

I'm sorry I missed you. must have been parking as I walked across the street to hubby's office. I stayed until 6:25p and started for the door ~ I didn't want to seem pitiful since everyone kept staring at me all alone. Maybe we could meet up another day ~ I'll email you. ;D